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Thursday, September 21, 2006 @9/21/2006 07:56:00 pm

omg. mei was right.
i overdid the nerding.

lack of sleep combined with my mom grumbling made me go batshit wonky.
so of all things for me to choose to express this wonkyness,

i had to go and crash bump this batty sweatpants wearing aunty's beaten up old junk of a proton.

perhaps chemistry is the lesser evil after all..

still waiting for the shit to hit the fan.

Monday, September 18, 2006 @9/18/2006 11:50:00 pm

i think my brain has left me.
either that or strange buzz from maths has finally taken control of my head.

hd un-crashed, got fixed, came back totally blank on one side (i managed to save everything down to the very last analysis on the mating ritual of crabs)
and got itself infected with a virus again.


atleast the silly bugger is just running round in circles without actually wiping out anything.

if i can actually map out my brain on a 3-d model, a large chunk of it would be a bundle of mess soaked in unidentified slimy feeling sludge like solution, the rest would the not-mess and minimum requirement to keep functioning.

tomorrow: d-day. maths is out for blood.

but like what tomoko said
"i leave my fate to the stars, the dead cat, and the limbless man "

Friday, September 08, 2006 @9/08/2006 12:28:00 pm

my hd died on me.
relying on the generosity of my brother now to come online...
*bangs head on wall*

there goes all my pics and links...

i should be revising..

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 @9/05/2006 10:47:00 pm

i take back everything i said about vectors.
vectors like rubbish compared to the DUN DUN DUN, the lesser evil..
feels like i'm standing in the middle of a war zone right now.

pri is having computer withdrawal symptom.
and sleep withdrawal symptom

i think i might have overestimated my capability on working like a duracell bunny.
it's driving mye batshit with the many many classes and overcramming.

stupidstupidstupidstupid duracell rabbit.
exams have come to kill pri. with sticks.
it's like a revenge of cosmic level and that is just so crazy batshit.

Monday, September 04, 2006 @9/04/2006 01:47:00 am

pri has never EVER hated despise vectors as much she does today,now, tomorrow.
it's like..numbers from hell with little pitchforks and faux fire.

nerding like there's no tmr.

where did my zzzzs go??
pri is so very baffled by evil pitchfork wielding numbers.

& Pri

"What? Which one?"

"The slim one, with the come-hither pout. Below the streak."

"I see a giraffe."

"I see an ant crawling up your neck," he says, brushing it away. "What giraffe?"

"That one. That long skinny thing."

"It looks more like a penis."

"I thought you said that looked like me when I was annoyed."

"You look like a penis when you're annoyed."

-River, ch.12-


.Ada.Mei. Bongo. Derlyn. Hazel. Jamie. Jen. Jin. Jon.Au. Kim. Mark. Reuben.K. Seta. Suets. Zhao.



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