Friday, December 23, 2005 @12/23/2005 01:50:00 am
pri's top ten reasons for not updating. or otherwise known as why you never ask pori strange questions for she would only give you stranger answers which for all we know, could be annoyingly disturbing to the younger audience and also people who do not come prepared with a pori dictionary 10. toaster burned a few wires
9. her muses died shortly after after that.
8. ______ _______ snatched whatever free time she had left.
7. busy being sesat while taking the train (and not necessarily arriving at the initially decided
6. pri + typo = pori
pri + comatosed = pori
therefore, pori = pri + comatosed
5. the mad mad car was pms-ing at pori (formally known as pri)
4. workload was also pms-ing at pori ( 0.o )
3. typo's were running amok
2. DotA persuaded pri's classmates to kidnap pori (say what??)
1.the flying spaghetti monsterism.
The ever reigning queen of the yaoiland, lemonie lord of the nononots from the east side of gogoyaoi,
The end.